Zoom Talk: Breaking Down Ancestral Brick Walls with Ian Waller

Zoom Talk: Breaking Down Ancestral Brick Walls with  Ian Waller

 Log in from 7pm and enjoy an informal chat among attendees and the host until the talk starts at  7.30pm.

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81404853786?pwd=UXlUdFprc3JmSFQ0T1l6a3QvRm02UT09

Meeting ID: 814 0485 3786Passcode: 471615

No pre registering (talk is open to Society members and non members alike), please just join in good time.

Ian Waller knows that every family historian has hit a brick wall at some stage in their research.

Ian's talk examines ways of demolishing those brick walls, breaking down barriers and overcoming challenges posed by documents that were not created with the family historian in mind.

A recording of the meeting will be made available on the members only area of the website for two weeks.  The recording will be put on the website within a few days after the talk.

Zoom host:  Pat Gooding

The Society is a charity and membership fees and donations are an important part of our income.  So, if you are not a North West Kent FHS member, please consider making a donation via our web shop towards the cost of the speaker and our Zoom licence.

Event Information

Event Date 21-04-2022 7:00 pm
Capacity 99
Individual Price Free to members. Guests and visitors are asked to make a donation towards our Zoom licence and speaker's fee.
Location Zoom online